Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Doesn't anyone notice this? I feel like I'm taking Crazy Pills!

I had an awakening a couple of years ago.  My paradigm shift was due to a couple of factors, mostly personal in nature, but they affected the way that I look at ALL things political; hence, the main reason for starting this blog.  In no way has my 'awakening' been a shift of moral values--in fact, just the opposite. I thought, "No one sees politics like I do and the way I see politics is unlike everyone else; therefore, everyone needs to see politics the way that I do." (I scored poorly on the logic games portion of the LSAT, as you can see)  Nothing 'pragmatic' about that line of thinking, I know.  And since I have a face for radio, I felt that blogging was my best option to 'voice' my opinions.

Blogging also gives me an opportunity to extend a broader commentary to the absolute 'crazy pill-esque' daily media barrage and info-dump that we're all exposed to (as if somehow I'm immune to it too).  It also allows me to express my platform of ideas in a way that is pallitable to most people and give additional personal perspective to help solidify/justify my rationalizations.

Pigeon holing anyone as a Republican or Democrat is way too restrictive these days, since most politicians in power really believe in the same things; they just push their agenda at different trajectories and at different speeds. So, in reality, I'm just trying to fill a void--I'm trying to voice the opinion of the lost 'common sense' that Americans seemed to have misplaced through the hustle and bustle of life, the increased speed of misinformation, the unrelenting pace of media exposure, the expansion of commercialism and the literal diminshment of values cultural, religious and familial.  Quite a mouthful, I know. 

Better yet, I'll just tell you what I think and justify it with facts.

Regardless, after reading, I hope that you come away with a little different perspective and a lot of fire in your belly.  If you're reading this, don't be afraid to let me know what you think.  If you disagree with my assessements, my feelings won't be hurt, I promise.  In fact, I look forward to the dialogue.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoyed this post and agree on your points! (Most people don't fit into one of the two parties, etc) Looking forward to more posts!
